Become a Visionary



An Envoy is a passionate member of our community who wants to share that passion with the rest of world.

They are active posters in the forums, people who make YouTube channels and podcast, creators of fanart, travelers to multiple stores, and players who help create more Lightseekers. The “official criteria” for this position is being an active fan of the game! To become an Envoy, click the button below and fill the application!

Please note due to exciting changes we are looking to make to this program, responses at the moment are on hold. Don’t worry we will get back in touch when we have news!

Become an Envoy



A Seer has proven their knowledge in the game and their ability to run Lightseekers demos.

Becoming a Seer requires achieving at least 80% in a simple rules test and getting a recommendation from their local game store, tournament organizer, a PlayFusion employee, or an existing Seer or Oracle. To become a Seer, click the button below and fill the application!

Please note due to exciting changes we are looking to make to this program, responses at the moment are on hold. Don’t worry we will get back in touch when we have news!

Become a Seer



An Oracle is a Seer that has demonstrated extensive knowledge of the rules and interactions of Lightseekers.

Oracles are trusted to officiate premier tournaments and answer more complicated rules questions. They are the leaders of our Visionary Program. Oracles must achieve at least an 80% on the Oracle test, have a recommendation from their local game store, tournament organizer, PlayFusion employee, or an Oracle. To become an Oracle, click the button below and fill the application!

Please note due to exciting changes we are looking to make to this program, responses at the moment are on hold. Don’t worry we will get back in touch when we have news!


Become an Oracle

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