As written above, we are making a pretty huge chunk of changes that will come with the introduction of rotation. The changes we want to make to card balancing range from minor errata, to rarity changes to full blown reworks of cards. But with all of these changes, we had 6 main goals we wanted to achieve:
- We want to equalise Removal Cards across all Orders
- We want to lower the ability to recycle cards
- We want to encourage a variety of Hero use
- We want to promote buff synergy and usage
- We want to reduce survivability
- We want to increase family synergy for early card sets
Removal Changes
Removal cards are going to be more even between Orders, this will essentially mean levelling the playing field between Orders that have more options than others when it comes to removal. An example below is Reckless Spirit, who will be getting a conditional way to add extra removal.

Less Recursion
Stall and recursion decks have always been a very popular playstyle in Lightseekers, and we want to reduce the amount of card recycling that can be done to improve the variety of decks that are being played. One example of these changes is to Root Singer seen below.

Hero Variety
Looking at the current Hero cards in Lightseekers, we feel there are a number of ways that Heroes can manipulate their deck that is either too good, or not up to par. High Curator Arawn we feel is in the former category and is changing as detailed below.

Encourage Buff Play
Looking at playstyles recently, we’ve seen that it is efficient and sometimes even preferable to run decks with mainly attack/defend cards in. In order to create more balanced play, we are looking at improving the synergy that buffs have with these cards as well as reduce the efficiency of attack/defend only decks. See an example of this change with Astral Priest.

Trimmed Survivability
As sets have been released, the amount of survivability has increased in kind. We always wanted Lightseekers to feel fast and frenetic, and so to recreate that feeling we wanted to promote the ability to reduce survivability through healing. Conjurer’s Lab is one such example seen below.

Increased Family Synergy
Family Tags were first introduced with the release of Kindred (Wave 3), meaning that Awakening and Mythical were designed without Family Tags in mind. So we have gone back and looked at cards like Droplet (seen below), and sensibly adjusted them to create better synergy with family tags.