Lightseekers Organized Play 2019

Today we share with you a small glimpse into what will become our Lightseekers Organized Play Tier List.

These changes will be coming into effect from January 2019 and are broken down into 4 categories: Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum. Each of these offers different value of play and targets you, the player, on what best option you need to be aiming for in Organized Play.

Now let’s show you a small offering of what each offers.

Bronze Tier

Bronze tier is all about going and enjoying in-store organized play combined with our casual convention tournaments.

These events are all about experiencing Lightseekers, or simply to enjoy some fun competition; while building up your Lightseeker Points (LSP) for future leaderboards and earning physical and digital rewards.

Silver Tier

While the Bronze Tier List features a social, fun environment in a casual scene, Silver Events allow you to participate in Store Championships or Independent Major events (like the Delivery Crab Circuit and Heroic Starfish Championships).

You continue to earn exclusive rewards similar to the Bronze Events, including our Lightseeker Points (LSP) and other exclusive physical and digital rewards.

Gold Events

This level of Organized Play offers higher level, competitive opportunities such as Regional Championships and Tournaments; alongside Major Convention Tournaments such as PAX Unplugged and GenCon, as seen previously.

You will continue to earn exclusive rewards across digital and physical; plus further Lightseeker Points (LSP) at these showcases. Be sure to look out for cash prizes at these events!

Platinum Tier

This bracket is the highest tier, in which you will be able to experience National and International Championships, gunning for the chance to lift the coveted Lightseekers National Trophy and huge cash prizes! Here you can earn the most Lightseekers Points and exclusive physical and digital rewards. The best news being that all National level events are open to anyone!

Why do I need LSPs? Well, Platinum events encompass not just National and International tournaments, but our Player Invitationals also. There will be very few spaces available for this, with invites going to the highest LSP earners, National Champions and highest ranking digital players. These Player Invitationals are the pinnacle of Lightseekers Organized Play with huge prizes, both digitally and physically.

There is going to be plenty on-going with Lightseekers in our upcoming Organized Play for 2019…but still we have more news and information on the way!

We look forward to sharing with you more details towards the end of this week, including some Gold Tier Events starting early 2019.

See you soon Lightseekers!

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